Sunday, January 12, 2014

2014 Goals

We all have a bucket list right? Well for 2014 I want to make a goal/bucket list

Another 5k
Half marathon
Full marathon
Be comfortable in a bikini
Take a trip some place nice, warm, peaceful and exciting 
Be more happy overall

Can't think of any more right now!

I'm so excited and ready to achieve all of these things!
And I have to admit... I want one of these babies on my car ...

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Happy 2014!

2013 ended great with a visit to my family in Arizona. 
It was realllllly good to have some quality family time. It's always amazing to see how much my younger siblings have grown and changed! 
It's also fantastic to have mom and dads home cooking !!!
Christmas dinner prime rib Hit the spot. I also indulged myself on all my favorite "west coast foods" and didn't need an occasion to have a glass or too of wine  
Have you tried in n out yet? Amazing

I came home to a snow storm, freezing weather and a commitment to my best friend 
 We will look great this summer. 
So, we started it off with my barre class! Man it was hard to get back in to teaching! I was nervous, afraid I would get tired and forget things and make a fool out of myself...
It actually went pretty well! 
My legs are KILLING today, but it's the good burn!!! Some of my clients informed me of a Plank Challenge and a Squat challenge and we are both going to FINISH it! 
I can't wait to look at my before and afters! See you don't have to wait until the first of the month to start!!!

Along with this and SOME sort of workout every day (even if it's just a walk with my dog) I'm really going to try to be the healthiest me I can be!
Good luck if you are attempting any of the challenges!!!

Happy new year !

Monday, December 9, 2013

Okay.. I'm really starting

So I am going to really try this time to write. So what better time to start?!

 I try to eat healthy. I started because I teach ballet barre and lets face it, Nobody wants to go to class where the teacher works out 5+ times a week and still isn't in shape...
I was doing really well.. I mean REALLY WELL. 
Then the week before Thanksgiving happened and I gave up. I had Big Macs, and Pasta on top of pasta, I had subway (And not the "Jared got skinny" subway, Think bacon..and ranch..on a footlong) I started having a soda here and there and drinking sugary wine coolers and pumpkin beer...
I totally fell off the wagon, and that made me so depressed. So then I ate my feelings.. And my food of choice was greek cookies (Which are pretty much butter with some powdered sugar thrown on top)

I was in the shower when I looked down and saw that all my hard work seemed to be gone and my tummy was slowly but surely growing..

So I decided it's back to "Clean eating"

What the hell does that even mean you ask??? I went to pinterest (I turn to pinterest for everything) and found out

So I am starting and hoping TRYING to not give up and finish it through!

I got up and taught an extra class today (even in the ice and snow)

And I am going to make this happen. 

Screw New Years resolutions, I'm starting now!  

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

You have to start somewhere .. Right?

I have always wanted to blog but the same questions always stopped me from doing it...
Who would want to read about my life?
What would I write about? Etc. 
And then it hit me..
Even if I am the only person who ever reads it I'm sure it will serve its purpose. People have been keeping diaries for years and this is along the same lines right?
I knew I really wanted to write one after I stumbled across a few that I read all the time and check daily for new posts! 

So this is my life and I will be honest, raw and try to be interesting. 
Please excuse the occasional misspelling or bad grammar and I will try not to throw around any curse words 
Here goes nothing .... :)